Honda Accord /Civic :Why Starter Making Grinding Noise

What's the worst sound you've ever heard from your 2006 Honda Civic or 2007 Honda Accord ? Most of drivers said it’s hard to describe but starter making grinding noise is not that uncommon sound ,which is a headache. Here are the causes of the grinding noise you are hearing. 1.Flywheel should be suspect firstly.You need go ahead and climb back under your 2006 Honda Civic or 2007 Honda Accord and remove the access panel under the bell housing of the transmission. This will give you access to the flywheel. Using a flashlight you can inspect the teeth on the flywheel for any abnormal wear, then use a ½ inch ratchet and correct size socket for the crankshaft pulley bolt, and turn the engine clockwise. This will allow you to slowly inspect the hidden areas of the flywheel that could be damaged. Be sure to mark the flywheel with white out or a marker so you can verify when you start and end as you rotate. If at any time you feel uncomfortable doing this, please enlist...