Top 10 Motorcycle Safety Tips for Street Riding

When you are ready to ride, all you want to do is go. Just jump on your Harley Davidson sportster and start pedaling. But for your own safely,it is really important that you get into the habit of performing ten simple tips for street riding.Here are the top 10 motorcycle safety tips. 10.No Drinking and Riding It's not safe in a car and it's not safe on motorcycles. It's no secret - alcohol and drugs impair your judgment and your ability to ride safely. Don't put yourself in jeopardy and don't put others at risk for your risky behavior. Leave the beers for the evening when the gear is packed away. 9.Know the road and if you don't, know your limits A motorcycle has less contact with the pavement than a car. Sand, wet leaves, or pebbles can cause a bike to slide unexpectedly, easily resulting in a spill. Bumps and potholes that you might barely notice in a car can pose serious danger when on a bike. If you can’t avoid them, slow down as much as possible ...